
August 21, 2012

Saving Money on Food

As a broke-ass college graduate, I'm all about saving money. And food is one of those things you just have to spend money on, so you might as well try to get the best bang for your buck!

I'm subscribed to a few feeds that have to do with living on the cheap, including Wise Bread and The Simple Dollar. Last night I found something on Pinterest that is called "Freezer Cooking." Now, I am definitely a freezer person...
and I will make large amounts of food and freeze the leftovers in smaller portions. I love doing this with soups, stews, chili, and I even did it with enchiladas one time. This Freezer Cooking-thing is a bit of a different game, though. Rather than making one meal, eating some, and freezing the rest, you would make a ton of meals in one day with similar(-ish) ingredients to either reheat later on, or throw in the crock pot. It's not just dinners either, you could do this with breakfast foods too!

Go check out this page to see how this lady made 46 meals in 4 hours with 95 dollars. It's really amazing, and I'm definitely going to try it out!

Another similar pin I found is about freezing meals meals to later throw in the crockpot. You can read that here.

In addition to buying in bulk and preparing lots of meals to freeze, canned goods are a great way to save on money. This post from Wise Bread describes 17 Simple Canned Foods that Go the Distance! From this list, I always have canned tomatoes, fruits and veggies, and occasionally tuna. There are some other good ones that I hadn't thought about because I wouldn't know exactly what to do with them, like canned clams and salmon, but luckily some ideas and recipes are provided!

So, go stock your freezer/pantry and eat healthy on the cheap!

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  1. I love freezer cooking. Best thing ever when you have kids. Love you!

  2. Soooo after reading this I looked up Freezer Cooking recipes and I know have like 20 labeled bags w/ crock pot meals sitting in my freezer. And I'm eating the first one right now. It's Taco Soup and pretty good. I'm just so excited that now I have all these meals that just need to be crock-potted and I don't have to spend money on fast-food junk late at night when I get off work.
    So I just have to say thanks for posting this.

  3. Jess- I can imagine it would save a TON of time when you have kids! I'll get there someday!

    Samantha- I'm so glad my post was helpful! Taco Soup sounds amazing, by the way!!

    I'm PCSing in about a month, so I'm not sure that this is the right time for me to stock up on freezer cooking meals, but you can be sure that I'll be doing it once I get settled into the new place. Plus it'll be getting close to winter by that point, and I love me some crockpot meals in the cold weather! :)
