
August 19, 2012


A fitting title for the first post on a Air Force blog!

Let me start off by first saying thanks for stopping by! I encourage you to take a look at the About page to get to know me, and if you think this blog is something you'll enjoy, feel free to subscribe either on your RSS Reader or by email. (Those links can be found in the column to the right.)

In the next few months, you can expect to witness a very exciting lifestyle change for me and Hubbs. He will be entering active duty and starting his Air Force career, we'll be moving away from our family to start our military life, going through the hassle that is on-base housing, job searching for me, finding a balance between housewifery and career, and I'll be learning the "ins and outs" of being an officer's wife.

I am definitely looking forward to these changes! We've been working towards this lifestyle for the past 5 years, and there was even a time when we weren't sure that things were going to pan out. So now that it's actually happening, I'm stoked!

Here's a little bit of background info..:

I've been so excited to marry my best friend and start a life together, and since graduation we haven't really started that life yet. I graduated the semester before he did, so I stayed around and worked while he finished up school. The original plans were that he was going to start his military career almost immediately after graduation-- we weren't even sure that there would be time for a proper wedding! Then, his career plans were suddenly changed, and now he won't be entering AD until 4-5 months after his graduation. So, we've kinda been in limbo for the past few months. We've spent the summer in the same ol' town, working the same ol' jobs, eating at the same ol' restaurants, and doing the same ol' things that we've been doing for 5 years. Now, classes at the university are about to start up again, we're graduates, and we're still here. His EAD orders aren't even official yet, so our plans are still liable to change.

I know that the Air Force has all kinds of adventures in store for us, and this stage is no exception. I'm really going to have to learn to just go with the flow, which will be a challenge for me. As much of a laid-back hippie that I want to be, I am a planner. I have to schedule things and make plans, and I want everyone else to be on the same page as I am. I'm not a crazy person, but I may have a minor freak-out if things aren't planned. Honestly, I'll be grateful to the Air Force for taking this trait out of me since I always stress about the small stuff.

I hope you'll stick with me through this crazy, exciting transition. Please don't be shy, I'd love to hear from you! This newbie is going to need all the support and she can get!
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