
January 12, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and New Year celebrations!

Being military newlyweds, this was our very first Christmas away from home that we were able to have to ourselves. Although we missed being with our family in person, we are grateful for video chat technology! Hubbs and I took our time opening gifts, enjoying our coffee, and eating my delicious Mexican barbacoa. Walker TR enjoyed opening his presents too! Here he is playing with his new Weazel Ball.. (You can tell that Hubbs was excited too, judging by his high-pitched commentary, haha!)

Read more after the jump...

I made some of the cutest Christmas gifts to send to our family. It mostly consisted of baked goods, but I hand-painted some wine glasses too. All courtesy of Pinterest, of course!

 Here's our Christmas Tree
 Confetti Peanut Butter Blossoms

AND... I even tried out a few nail polish designs!

After Christmas, we had a nice New Years celebration with some friends on base. Of course I had to do up the glitta eye-makeup!

Now, Hubbs is out of town for a little while, and luckily, my parents came to visit for a few days to keep me company. We did the tourist-y thing for a few days, and then relaxed for a day before I took them back to the airport. It was a very nice visit! Now it's just me and Walker TR.

A couple of years ago, hubby went to Air Force Field Training for a month during the summer. I like to call it a "mini-deployment" because that was the longest time I had gone without him, and the only contact we had with each other was handwritten letters. I was sad and alone and didn't know what to do with myself. I tried cooking for myself at first, but got discouraged every time because I was just completely unable to make anything that tasted good. I think I ended up living on sandwiches, frozen pizza, and Ramen noodles for the rest of the month! Now, I don't know if that was because I lacked inspiration to cook anything good because my hubby wasn't there, or if things didn't taste good because I was all sad and depressed, or maybe it was just because Pinterest didn't exist!

Either way, I decided to not let eating alone get me down this time! I've only been able to make 2 meals so far, since my family was in town and we ate out a LOT while they were here! But those meals I did make (a giant batch of veggie spaghetti, and Man-Pleasing Chicken) have been AWESOME! I've impressed myself with my food-cookin', meal-preparin' abilities. Please tell me you laughed at the fact that I made a dish called "Man-Pleasing Chicken" with no men around to eat it! Ha! ;-)

I think that's all for now, y'all! Til next time.. :)
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